Paragliding in Lanzarote

Paragliding in Lanzarote

Paragliding in Lanzarote

The Lanzarote winter is when perfect flying conditions, warm weather and beautiful landscapes meet. As the cooling summer trade winds abate, the air clears and cumulus clouds appear paraglider pilots from all over Europe flock to the volcanic and idyllic beached shores of Lanzarote.

Getting to Lanzarote is easier and cheaper than ever before these days. Now that so many  budget airlines fly to Lanzarote the cost of your flying holiday will be much less with far greater choice of dates and times of arrival. If you are flexible on your dates and can book last minute there are some very cheap last minute offers available from companies like Ryanair.

To get to all the take off areas you will definitely need a hire car. This is best arrange before you arrive. Just type in to google ‘car hire lanzarote’ and there will be a good selection of companies. Arrange to pick you car up at Arrecife airport on arrival and leave it back at the same location on departure.

Taking a winter trip to Lanzarote to go Paragliding is becoming more popular every year and for good reason. It is possible to fly almost every single day. With the right local knowledge there are paraglider sites for every wind direction. The island has its own micro climates throughout. Days that may seem to windy can be flown in other areas. Experience is the key and those that have it or access to it are flying far more often. The wind is very variable in Lanzarote and plays a very key factor in the enjoyment and safety of each fight. On many flying sites the wind increases as the day goes on but not all. Keep vigilant for increasing winds and take step early to avoid being blown backwards and into rotor situations.

Guided paraglider trips to Lanzarote

Guided paragliding trips in Lanzarote can vastly improve the quality and safety of your holiday. An expert pilot can show you the island and give you instruction that will vastly improve the way you fly. Get to grips with your ground handling and fly in places that few people know. Prices vary depending on group size. For one person or small group is 150 euros per day. Just fill out the contact form to make a booking.

Our paraglider guide knows the island and flies more hours on Lanzarote than any other paraglider pilot. He will be happy to guide you to parts of the island that few pilots fly. Lanzarote can have fickle and changeable conditions, only with a high level of local knowledge will you be able to get the most hours in the air.

As wind strengths and conditions change the sort of flying sites you will visit will be very different, but all will be beautiful. There are many coastal sites, inland sites, ridge, volcanoe, mountain… the list goes on. Every site has its own special set of characteristics with regards to wind, take off, landing and dangers. Many of these are not obvious for those flying these places for the first time, this is where your guide really comes in useful. On every site before take off you will be fully briefed on all aspects of each take off, landing and possible flight route. You will come to learn about rotors, lift zones, stronger wind ground handling, reverse launches and much more. Not only will your understanding of flying in Lanzarote improve but your overall flying skills.